色彩検定3級 試験対策 アプリ-オンスク.JP
🗂️ Education
Version 3.4.12 💾 19 Mb
📅 Updated October 1, 2021
◆ Cumulative series exceeded 700,000 downloadsn◆ Crispy with one hand! You can practice the 3rd grade color testn◆ All questions with original commentaryn◆ Problem exercises will be updated in April 2020
Features 色彩検定3級 試験対策 アプリ-オンスク.JP
本アプリの問題演習は2020年4月更新となります。過去の本試験の内容から試験に重要な部分を取り上げておりますが、受講や受験のタイミングによって、最新の本試験の内容に一部未対応となる場合がございます。色に関する幅広い知識や技能が身に付く、文部科学省後援の技能検定「色彩検定3級」の学習アプリです。-------主なアプリの機能---------- ●問題演習◇299問を収録◎問題演習 初級を無料で提供、中級・上級は有料◇「テーマ別」モード学習するテーマを選択すると、該当テーマの問題にチャレンジできます。◇「ミス問題」過去に間違えた問題だけを抽出して出題する機能を搭載。効率良く弱点の克服が可能です。 ◇「チェック問題」(ブックマーク)自分でチェックしておいた問題のみを呼び出して繰り返しチャレンジできます。◇「テスト機能」10問、15問、30問の3パターンでチャレンジ可能。ランダムに出題されるので、ゲーム感覚で手軽にチャレンジできます。-----オンスク AFT色彩検定3級アプリ 概要------ ●担当講師 講義担当/作問担当:長澤 陽子●講義回数・時間 オリエンテーション・入門講義 無料収録●演習問題数 299問収録●章立て1色の表示 1-1 無彩色と有彩色、色の三属性、色相、色相環 1-2 明度、彩度 1-3 純色、清色、中間色、等色相面、色立体、表色系 1-4 色相、色相の表示方法、明度 1-5 彩度、三属性による色の表示、等色相面、色立体 1-6 トーン、トーンイメージ、色相とトーンによる色の表示方法 1-7 基本色名、系統色名、固有色名、慣用色名JISの慣用色名2色彩調和 2-1 配色の基本的な考え方、同一色相配色、隣接色相配色、類似色相配色 2-2 中差色相配色、対照色相配色、補色色相配色 2-3 同一トーン配色、類似トーン配色、対照トーン配色 2-4 アクセントカラー、セパレーション、グラデーション3光と色 3-1 電磁波、可視光、太陽光とスペクトル、分光分布 3-2 物体の色の見え方、分光反射率曲線、正反射と拡散反射、正透過と拡散透過、吸収 3-3 屈折、干渉、回折、散乱 3-4 色を見る眼のしくみ、網膜における光の処理 3-5 視細胞の種類 3-6 昼光、白熱電球、蛍光ランプ、水銀ランプ 3-7 同時加法混色、併置加法混色、継時加法混色 3-8 減法混色、混色を応用した例、混色まとめ4色彩心理 4-1 暖色と寒色、進出色と後退色、膨張色と収縮色、柔らかい色と硬い色 4-2 軽い色と重い色、興奮する色と沈静する色、派手な色と地味な色 4-3 色の連想、色の象徴性、色の連想とイメージカラー 4-4 負の残像、明度対比、彩度対比 4-5 色相対比、補色対比、縁辺対比 4-6 同化効果、対比と同化、色陰現象、面積効果 4-7 ハーマングリッド、マッハバンド、リープマン効果、エーレンシュタイン効果、ネオンカラー効果 4-8 透明視、主観色、ベンハムトップ、マッカロー効果、新しい錯視図形5色彩効果 5-1 図と地の関係、バランス、リズム 5-2 コントラスト、プロポーション、色による立体効果、色による遠近効果6色のはたらき 6-1 色と心地よさ、色とイメージ、色とアピール、色と区別、色と見やすさの調節、色と統一感、色と象徴7色彩と生活 7-1 生活環境と色彩、生活環境とカラーコーディネーション8ファッション 8-1 服飾ファッションの視点、ファッションビジネスの世界 8-2 基本的なカラーコーディネート、トップとボトムの配色効果 8-3 色相を主体としたカラーコーディネート、トーンを主体としたカラーコーディネート、色相とトーンを組み合わせたコーディネート9インテリア 9-1 インテリアと色彩、インテリアのカラーコーディネーション 9-2 インテリアの配色、インテリアにおける色の心理的効果 9-3 インテリアにおける色彩検討-----こんな方にオススメ------・色彩検定3級の試験対策無料アプリを探している方・無料で色彩検定3級の一問一答ができるアプリで検定対策を考えている方・ファッション業界、アパレル業界で就職に役立つ資格を取得したい方・色彩検定3級の動画・ムービーを無料で視聴したい方・色彩検定3級の一問一答を無料で実施したい方・色彩検定3級を独学でスキルアップし転職したい方や就職したい方・模擬問題集や用語集、テキスト、過去問だけでは足らず、アプリで検定の一問一答がしたい社会人の方・資格を取りたいけどどんな資格の試験勉強対策をしようか迷っている方・通信教育で色彩検定3級を学びスキルアップしたい方・過去問を参考にした出題率が高い色彩検定の模擬問題の一問一答をしたい方・人気の色彩検定3級のテキスト・問題集・過去問集を探していた方・基礎から無料アプリでテスト勉強し合格したい方・資格取得でスキルアップして転職・就職を考えている社会人・大学生の方・資格、免許、検定の取得に関心があり、更なるスキルアップを無料で行ないたい方・過去に色彩検定3級の資格を取得したが過去問で対策をして再度合格を勝ち取りたい方・転職・就職活動したいと考えている方・過去問の問題集、テキスト等で既に色彩検定3級の試験勉強を始めている方で移動時間にも更にスキルアップをはかりたいと考えている方・外出中のほんの少しの時間も無料アプリで色彩検定3級のテスト対策の勉強時間に費やしたい方・これから色彩検定3級を受験する為、テスト対策の専門用語の習得がしたいと考えている方・テキストや過去問集だけでは足らずに色彩検定3級のテスト用の試験勉強アプリを探している方・ゲーム感覚で無料で利用できる資格のテキスト、用語集、問題集アプリで勉強時間の短縮がしたい方・通信教育で色彩検定3級の復習がしたい方・色彩検定3級の一問一答ができる無料の受験用アプリを探している方・無料アプリで色彩検定3級の過去問の問題演習をした方・色彩検定3級の無料アプリで過去問を利用して受験学習したい方・色彩検定3級の資格を取得する事で給与がアップする会社員の方・無料アプリを使って勉強時間を短縮し、独学で色彩検定3級の勉強を行ない合格を狙っている方・ファッション業界やアパレル業界でデザイナーになりたい方・ファッション業界やアパレル業界で就職・転職をしたいと考えている方・無料動画・ムービーで色彩検定3級の勉強をしたい方・企業で有利に働く知識を身につけたい方・資格で企業への転職を有利に進めたい方・色彩に関する用語を勉強したい方・通信教育で資格取得に興味がある方・テキスト学習ではなくゲームの方がテスト勉強が捗る方・デザイナーとして基礎知識を学びたい方・過去問の演習を一通り終え、総合的な受験学習対策をしたいと考えている方・自宅での独学に勉強時間が取れない方・全国服飾教育者連合会(AFT)の会員の方・色彩検定3級を基礎的なところから独学でテスト勉強して合格を狙いたい方・独学で色彩検定3級のテスト勉強がしたい方・無料で色彩検定3級の過去問の問題演習がしたい方・色彩検定3級の無料問題集で学習したい方・色彩検定3級を無料動画・ムービーで勉強したい方・色彩検定3級の試験を受験して合格を勝ち取りたい方・色彩検定3級の模擬問題を解いているがなかなか成果が出ない方・ファッション業界やアパレル業界で使われる用語を勉強したい方・デザイナーとしてスキルアップしたい方・ファッション業界のビジネスで資格を役立てたい方・アパレル業界のビジネスで資格を役立てたい方・カラーに関する用語を無料で勉強したい方・全国服飾教育者連合会(AFT)の資格を取得したい方・全国服飾教育者連合会(AFT)の主催しているコンクールに入賞したいと考えている方・ファッションビジネスに興味がある方・転職や就職を考えているデザイナーの方The exercises for this app will be updated in April 2020.Although important parts of the exam have been taken up from the contents of the past main exam, some of the latest contents of the main exam may not be supported depending on the timing of attendance and examination.It is a learning app of the skill test "Color Test Level 3" sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, which allows you to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills related to color.------- Main app functions ----------Twice● Problem exercises◇ 299 questions recorded◎ Problem exercises Beginners are provided free of charge, intermediate and advanced are charged◇ "Thematic" modeWhen you select a theme to study, you can challenge the problem of that theme.◇ "Miss problem"Equipped with a function to extract and ask questions only for problems that were mistaken in the past.
It is possible to overcome weaknesses efficiently.
Twice◇ "Check problem" (bookmark)You can call only the questions you have checked and challenge repeatedly.◇ "Test function"You can challenge with 3 patterns of 10, 15 and 30 questions.Since the questions are given randomly, you can easily challenge yourself as if you were playing a game.----- Onsk AFT Color Test Level 3 App Overview ------● Lecturer in chargeLecture / Questioner: Yoko Nagasawa● Number and time of lecturesFree recording of orientation and introductory lectures● Number of exercises299 questions recorded● Chapter1 color display 1-1 Achromatic color and chromatic color, three attributes of color, hue, hue circle 1-2 Brightness, saturation 1-3 Pure color, clear color, neutral color, equihue surface, color solid, color system 1-4 Hue, Hue display method, brightness 1-5 Saturation, color display by three attributes, equihue surface, color solid 1-6 How to display colors by tone, tone image, hue and tone 1-7 Basic color name, system color name, unique color name, conventional color name JIS conventional color name2 color harmony 2-1 Basic concept of color scheme, same hue color scheme, adjacent hue color scheme, similar hue color scheme 2-2 Medium difference hue color scheme, contrast hue color scheme, complementary hue color scheme 2-3 Same tone color scheme, similar tone color scheme, contrast tone color scheme 2-4 Accent color, separation, gradation3 light and color 3-1 Electromagnetic waves, visible light, sunlight and spectrum, spectral distribution 3-2 Appearance of color of an object, spectral reflectance curve, specular and diffuse reflection, specular and diffuse, absorption 3-3 Refraction, interference, diffraction, scattering 3-4 How the eye works to see colors, processing light in the retina 3-5 Types of photoreceptor cells 3-6 Daylight, incandescent light bulb, fluorescent lamp, mercury lamp 3-7 Simultaneous additive color mixing, juxtaposed additive color mixing, successive additive color mixing 3-8 Subtractive color mixing, examples of applying color mixing, color mixing summary4 Color Psychology 4-1 Warm and cool colors, advance and recede colors, expansion and contraction colors, soft and hard colors 4-2 Light and heavy colors, exciting and calming colors, flashy and sober colors 4-3 Color association, color symbolism, color association and image color 4-4 Negative afterimage, lightness contrast, saturation contrast 4-5 Color Contrast, Complementary Color Contrast, Margin Contrast 4-6 Assimilation effect, contrast and assimilation, shade phenomenon, area effect 4-7 Herman grid, Mach band, Leapman effect, Ehrenstein effect, neon color effect 4-8 Transparent, subjective colors, Benhams top, McCullough effect, new optical illusions5 color effects 5-1 Relationship between figure and ground, balance, rhythm 5-2 Contrast, proportions, three-dimensional effect by color, perspective effect by color6 colors work 6-1 Color and comfort, color and image, color and appeal, color and distinction, color and visibility adjustment, color and unity, color and symbol7 colors and life 7-1 Living environment and color, living environment and color coordination8 fashion 8-1 Fashion fashion perspective, fashion business world 8-2 Basic color coordination, top and bottom color scheme 8-3 Hue-based color coordination, tone-based color coordination,Coordination that combines hue and tone9 interior 9-1 Interior and color, interior color coordination 9-2 Interior color scheme, psychological effects of color in the interior 9-3 Color examination in the interior----- Recommended for people like this ------・ Those who are looking for a free app for color test grade 3 exam preparation・ Those who are thinking about test measures with an app that can answer each question of color test grade 3 for free・ Those who want to obtain qualifications that are useful for employment in the fashion industry and apparel industry・ Those who want to watch videos and movies of color test grade 3 for free・ Those who want to answer each question of color test grade 3 for free・ Those who want to improve their skills by self-study and change jobs or find employment・ For working people who want to answer each test question with the app, not just mock questions, glossaries, textbooks, and past questions.・ Those who want to get a qualification but are wondering what kind of qualification to study for the exam・ Those who want to improve their skills by learning Color Test Level 3 through distance learning・ Those who want to answer each question of a mock question of a color test with a high question rate based on past questions・ Those who were looking for popular color test grade 3 texts, problem books, and past papers・ Those who want to study and pass the test with a free app from the basics・ Professionals and university students who are thinking of changing jobs or finding employment by improving their skills by acquiring qualifications・ Those who are interested in obtaining qualifications, licenses, and certifications and want to further improve their skills for free.・ Those who have obtained the qualification of Color Test Level 3 in the past but want to take measures in the past questions and win the pass again・ Those who want to change jobs or find a job・ Those who have already started studying for the Color Test Level 3 exam with past questions, textbooks, etc.
and want to further improve their skills during travel time.・ Those who want to spend a little time on the go studying for color test grade 3 test preparation with the free app・ Those who want to learn the technical terms for test preparation in order to take the color test grade 3 from now on.・ Those who are looking for a test study app for the color test grade 3 test, which is not enough with textbooks and past papers.・ Those who want to shorten their study time with qualification texts, glossaries, and problem books that can be used for free like a game.・ Those who want to review the color test level 3 in correspondence education・ Those who are looking for a free test app that can answer each question of color test grade 3・ Those who have practiced the past questions of Color Test Level 3 with the free app・ Those who want to study by using past questions with the free app of color test grade 3・ For office workers whose salary increases by acquiring the qualification of color test level 3・ Those who are aiming to pass by shortening the study time using a free app and studying color test level 3 on their own.・ Those who want to become a designer in the fashion industry and apparel industry・ Those who want to get a job or change jobs in the fashion industry or apparel industry・ Those who want to study Color Test Level 3 with free videos and movies・ Those who want to acquire knowledge that works in a company・ Those who want to take advantage of changing jobs to a company with qualifications・ Those who want to study terms related to color・ Those who are interested in acquiring qualifications in correspondence education・ Those who can study for the test better by playing games instead of text learning・ Those who want to learn basic knowledge as a designer・ Those who want to complete the exercises of the past questions and take comprehensive measures for studying for entrance exams.・ Those who do not have time to study by themselves at home・ Members of the National Federation of Fashion Educators (AFT)・ Those who want to study the color test level 3 on their own from the basics and aim to pass・ Those who want to study for the color test level 3 by themselves・ Those who want to practice the past questions of Color Test Level 3 for free・ Those who want to study with the free question collection of color test grade 3・ Those who want to study Color Test Level 3 with free videos and movies・ Those who want to take the color test grade 3 and win the pass・ Those who are solving the mock problem of color test grade 3 but do not get good results・ Those who want to study terms used in the fashion industry and apparel industry・ Those who want to improve their skills as a designer・ Those who want to use their qualifications in the fashion industry・ Those who want to use their qualifications in the apparel industry・ Those who want to study color terms for free・ Those who want to obtain the qualification of the National Federation of Fashion Educators (AFT)・ Those who want to win a prize in a competition sponsored by the National Federation of Fashion Educators (AFT)・ Those who are interested in fashion business・ Designers who are thinking about changing jobs or finding employmentAPI レベル 30対応&更新の仕様の修正
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